
Nesting sea turtles face a large range of obstacles during their lifetime, but a couch should not be one of them… Did this couch wash ashore or was it left behind?...

This week, LMC’s Conservation Department was invited to attend the Marine Debris Reduction Workshop hosted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Workshop attendees included leaders from state agencies, universities,...

On April 10th, in partnership with Jupiter Dive Center, Loggerhead Marinelife Center held an underwater cleanup at the Juno Beach Pier! In 60 minutes, six divers removed over 47 lbs of debris from under...

Follow these 5 tips for an environmentally friendly spring celebration! 1. “Green” your basket grass. Plastic grass used to line baskets never goes away in the environment and can pose a...

On Monday, April 22, 2019, as part of our Blue Table Restaurant Program, more than 50 restaurant partners will refrain from offering plastic straws to their patrons and/or use non-plastic alternatives....

Read below for 4 ways you can keep celebrating World Water Day at tomorrow’s TurtleFest!! 1. Bring a reusable water bottle and visit our water station for free refills throughout the...

“Any guesses on what this is?” A conservation volunteer asks a group of beach-cleanup participants? A gray plastic cylindrical tube is passed around the group, each person examining it closely. “It’s...

During last week’s Blue Friends beach cleanup, 232 volunteers helped to removed 74.9 pounds of trash! Can you spot some of the odd items found during the beach cleanup? In the...